Live Freeze-Dried Vaccine against Newcastle Disease


One dose contains:
Paramyxovirus pseudopestis avium, strain La Sota: min. 10 6 EID 50


One dose contains: Paramyxovirus pseudopestis avium, strain La Sota:  min. 106 EID50


Poultry: Active immunisation of poultry from the age of 7 days against Newcastle disease.

Direction for use:

Individual application – intraconjuctival or intranasal application Mass application – dissolution in feed water or application by aerosol dosage

Vaccine is dissoluted in necessary volume of drinking water, which depends on method of application.

a) Individual application
The volume of vaccine for vaccination of one animal is 0,1 ml therefore for vaccination of 100 chicks is one vial with volume of 100 vaccinated doses dissolved in 10 ml of diluent. In the course of intranasal vaccination is to vaccinated chick closed one nasal hole by finger and vaccine is administered to the second nasal hole. In the source of intracojuctival way of vaccination is the vaccine administered into conjuctival sac. During vaccination acceptance of full vaccination dose by every subject is monitoring.
b) Mass application in feed water
Vaccine is dissoluted immediately before using in cold fresh drinking water. Vaccine is dissoluted in such volume of water, which is consumed by vaccinated poultry throughout 2 till 3 hours and fill the bill approximately 1/7 of daily volume of drinking water.
c) Mass application by aerosol
For vaccination to animals at the age of 7 till 21 days the half of vaccine dose is used: for vaccination of 1000 subjects of animals, the vial with content of 1000 doses is dissolved in 400 ml of water and then the 200ml of dissolved vaccine is administered by sprayer. For vaccination to older animals is vaccine assigned for 1000 subjects of animals dissolved in 500 ml of water and all volume is administered by sprayer.
recommended vaccination scheme
Vaccine is recommended for chicks since 7th day of age. Vaccinated chicks are revaccinated 14 days
after primo vaccination.
Vaccination is repeated every 3 to 4 months.
Withdrawal period: none


The brief description of the medicine is for information purpose only. Read the content of the package leaflet carefully before use. If you have any further questions, ask your veterinarian or pharmacist.

If you Have Any Questions Call Us On +971 55 289 2890
