CattleWin – 5K

CattleWin – 5K

Inactivated vaccine against IBRV, BVD1 & BVD2, PI3 and BRSV



One vial of 20 ml contains:
IBR Virus, No. 758-KB strain 108.5 TCID50 or More
BVD Virus 1 Nose-KB strain 108.1 TCID50 or Moro
BVD Virus 2 KZ-91-KB strain 106.9 TCID50 or More
PI 3 Virus BN1-1-KB strain 108.4 TCID50 or More
BRSV Virus rs-52-KB strain 107.1 TICD50 or Mor


Direction for use:

Administer 2 ML intramuscularly repeat in

3 to 5 week. A 2mL booster dose is recommended annually or prior to time of stress or exposure,

Calves vaccinated under six months of age should be revaccinated at six months of age. May be administered to pregnant animals at any stage of gestation. High level of maternal antibody in calves can be secured when injected to pregnant cattle one month before parturition.


Prescription only. Use under the direction/prescription of veterinarian.

Administer only by the specified route (intramuscular injection)

Do not combine with other drugs (vaccines)

Shake well before use to ensure uniform dispersion,

Vaccinate only health animals .

 Withdrawal Period: Zero days

If you Have Any Questions Call Us On +971 55 289 2890
