Sodium Hyaluronate sterile solution


Hytryl is a sterile 6mL solution containing 60mg of Sodium Hyaluronate
(10mg/mL). For use on cats, dogs, and horses.
Low molecular weight


Hytryl is a Sodium Hyaluronate sterile post surgical lavage solution designed to replace synovial fluid lost during surgery. Aids normalization of the joint following arthrotomy. Hytryl is used a the final lavage prior to surgical closure of the joint space. Hytryl may be used in cats, dogs, and
horses. Hytryl contains 10 mg sodium hyaluronate per ml.

Direction for use:

Install this medical device as the final lavage prior to surgical closure of the joint space
Volume to be determined by veterinary surgeon.
Discard any unused portion of vial contents.

The brief description of the medicine is for information purpose only. Read the content of the package leaflet carefully before use. If you have any further questions, ask your veterinarian or pharmacist.

If you Have Any Questions Call Us On +971 55 289 2890
