Anticoccidials, oral solution


1 mL of the medicinal product contains:
Active substances:
Sulfadimidinum natricum 50.0 mg
Trimethoprimum 12.5 mg

Cattle, Calf, Sheep, Lamb, Dog, Poultry, Pheasant, Rabbit, Hare, Fur Animals
Infections of gastrointestinal tract (enteritis, gastroenteritis, coliinfections, diarrhoea, dysentery).
Infections of respiratory tract (bronchopneumonia, pneumonia, bronchitis, rhinitis).
Secondary bacterial infections after viral diseases.
Infections of urogenital tract (cystitis, vaginitis, urethritis, metritis).
Acute and chronic forms of coccidiosis in poultry, pheasants, rabbits and hares.
Post-surgical and postnatal sepsis, septicaemia, mastitis, overall and organ infections in young farm

Dosage for each species, route and method of administration:
Daily dose for all target animal species is 30-32 mg active substance per kg of bodyweight, i.e. 0.5
mL medicinal product per kg of bodyweight. In acute cases, double to start dose.
Infections of bacterial origin:
Calf, sheep, lamb, dog:
4 mL of the medicinal product per 10 kg of bodyweight for 5-7 days.
Poultry and pheasant:
4 mL of the medicinal product per 1 litre of drinking water for 5 days.
Acute and chronical forms of coccidiosis:
Poultry and pheasant:
5 ml of the medicinal product per 1 litre of drinking water for 3 days, and after 2-day pause continue
with the administration for 3 days. If the causative agent of disease is E.tenella or E. necatrix,
increase the dose to 7.5-10 mL per 1 litre of water.
Rabbit and hare:
25 mL of the medicinal product per 1 litre of drinking water for 3 days, and after 2-day pause
continue with administration for 3 days.
Route of administration: Orally, dissolved in beverage.
Advice on correct administration:
Dissolve in beverage carefully before administration.
In initial severe cases double the dose (without the risk of occurrence of adverse reactions).

Withdrawal period:
Meat and offal: 15 days.
Do not use in layers producing eggs for human consumption.

The brief description of the medicine is for information purpose only. Read the content of the package leaflet carefully before use. If you have any further questions, ask your veterinarian or pharmacist.

If you Have Any Questions Call Us On +971 55 289 2890
