Inactivated oily vaccine against Egg Drop Syndrome Virus
One dose ( 0,5 ml) contains:
Paramyxovirus pseudopestis avium inactivatum : inducing min. 5 log2 HI antibodies
Virus bronchitidis infectiosae avium inactivatum : inducing min. 1526 ELISA units
Adenovirus EDS 76 inactivatum : inducing min. 6 log2 HI antibodies
Inactivated trivalent oily vaccine against Newcastle disease virus, Infectious Bronchitis virus and
Egg Drop Syndrome virus.
Dosage: 0,5 ml .
Route of administration: Subcutaneously or intramuscularly.
The vaccine should be given to breeding poultry and layers around 16 – 20 weeks of age, but not
less than 3 weeks before the expected onset of lay. Before vaccination with Avigal NBE, the birds
should have been primed with a live vaccines against IBR and NDV
Withdrawal period:
It is necessary to eliminate tissue in the injected area at compulsory slaughter of animals during
period by 21 days after vaccination.
The brief description of the medicine is for information purpose only. Read the content of the package leaflet carefully before use. If you have any further questions, ask your veterinarian or pharmacist.