MELARSOMINE DIHYDROCHLORIDE Sterile freeze-dried powder 100 mg for injectable solution


Melarsomine dihydrochloride

Sterile freeze-dried powder

100 mg for injectable solution


Each vial contains Melarsomine dihydrochloride 100mg

Sterile Freeze-dried powder for injectable solution


Treatment of acute, subacute and chronic T.evansi infection in camels.

Direction for use:

Route of administration: Intramuscular injection in the neck.

Dosage: 0.25mg/kg of body weight (correspond to 5.0ml/100kg).

If fully curative treatment is required, use 0.50mg/kg of body weight (correspond to 10.0ml/100kg).

Dissolve the freeze dried in 20 ml of sterile water (solution at 0.5%).

The solution should be prepared at the time of the administration,

A vial of 20 ml treats up to 400 kg.

Split the injection volume in two different sites of injection.

[Precautions for use]

For Veterinary use only, Subject to veterinarian prescription,

Read carefully the notice before use

Do not combine with other drugs (vaccines)

Shake well before use to ensure dissolution

Use injection instruments that are sterilized

[Withdrawal period]:

Milk and Meat: 20 days

The brief description of the medicine is for information purpose only. Read the content of the package leaflet carefully before use. If you have any further questions, ask your veterinarian or pharmacist.

If you Have Any Questions Call Us On +971 55 289 2890
